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Grips: Class Series 3 of 4

Grips: Class Series 3 of 4

Regular price $55.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 USD
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Welcome to the third installment of our Pistol Shooting Class series, where we focus on mastering the proper grip. In this three-hour workshop-style class, we delve deep into the essential skill of finding the grip that best suits your firearm. We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all grip style, and our goal is to help each individual find the grip that works best for them.

Throughout the class, you'll explore various grip techniques, including the Weaver grip, Isosceles grip, and Modified grip, among others. Through hands-on practice and individualized guidance, you'll discover the grip that provides you with the utmost control, accuracy, and safety. By the end of the class, our aim is for your pistol to feel like an extension of your hand, providing you with the stability and confidence you need to become a proficient shooter.

Class Highlights:

  • Understanding the significance of a proper grip
  • Exploring various grip techniques, including:
    • Thumbs forward grip
    • Thumbs down grip
    • Wedge grip
  • Hands-on practice and individualized guidance
  • Identifying the optimal grip for your firearm
  • Techniques for maintaining consistency and improving accuracy

Join us for the third class in our Pistol Shooting series and take your shooting skills to the next level by mastering the proper grip. Whether you're a recreational shooter or you are training to protect your life, this workshop will provide you with the knowledge and practice you need to enhance your shooting performance. Our goal is to leave the class with greater stability, accuracy, and confidence in your shooting abilities.

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