Welcome to the Underground
Imagine a league where three guns are on the table, and the selection changes weekly. Each participant picks up a gun and competes without any practice. Everyone uses the same guns, ensuring a level playing field. Only hits inside the circle count!
Every Tuesday Night: See times below
At the end of the night, scores are tallied and ranked.
Two leagues are available:
- 2-Inch Circle
- 5-Inch Circle
Shooting distance is 21 feet.
This challenge tests your ability to pick up any gun and be proficient!
The cost is $20 per night:
Which includes ammunition. Pay cash when you come or scroll down to checkout via card
Scroll down for more details.
First-time participants must call or text before showing up: (269) 414-8799.
Current League - Runs Sep 17th through Nov 26th
No League Nov 5th for Voting
Next League - To be determined. Check your emails.
Pistol 2 Inch League
Pistol 5 Inch League
Check out the guns per date
More Info
What gun are we using? Everyone showing up can enter in their gun for one week. If you do this you will get a free League Night. Get with me so I can assign a week to you. We can start with my guns to get this off the ground.
What Day/Time is this happening? Every Tue night from 5pm-9pm. Come at any point in this timeframe. Come between 6pm-8pm if you want a social side of the league!
Do I need to be an expert Shooter? No, just an expert at safety. The idea is to build skills.
I'm afraid there will be a lot of trash talking and people will treat me badly! I will ban anyone from my property that is rude or makes fun of people.
Will it be cold in the winter? A BIG no! Haven't you heard? I put in an indoor range on my property! Nice and Warm and we can shoot late!
How does the scoring work? Each person shoots 10 shots from all three guns, 30 shots total. We count hits on the target only. The total amount of hits from all 30 shots is your final score. This score shows up on the scoreboard for each week.
Want to watch a video explanation? Click HERE
I can't afford this each week! Any way I can come for Free? Yes! CLICK HERE
Check out Pictures at the bottom of the Page